School Lane, West Butterwick, North Lincolnshire, DN17 3LB

01724 783244

West Butterwick

Church of England Primary School


St Mary's Church was completed in 1841. It stands on the site of a former chapel going back to the 16th century at the very heart of the village. 

Our school makes regular use of St Mary's and we are fortunate that it is in close proximity to our school.  In church, we come together as a community over the course of the Liturgical Year to celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter.  In the Summer Term, we hold a special Leavers Service for our Year Six pupils.  

Each year, at the Leavers Service, our school presents an 'Achievement Award' in memory of a past pupil of our small village school - Stephen Dawson.  Stephen served in the Royal Navy and tragically lost his life during the Falklands War in 1982 (aged 22).  Stephen's grave is in St Mary's church yard.